Growing up rich has its advantages. It also comes with downsides, like making you a target for extorting ransom money from your parents. And if your parents are reluctant to pay that ransom, we'll, you're gonna be captive for a little while longer....
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I love how she gets unwrapped more and more as the pictures progress. Great staging, angles, and variety of shot composition.
"Is that where you are? Sherri? Sherri? Can you hear me? Are we on speakerphone, mister?"
*click* "Now we are."
"Mmmrgh! Mmmrgh!"
"Now, as I was saying --"
"No more of this 'I'll pay you back for the ransom, Mummy,' young lady. This time, you're going to have to EARN your way back."
"Hello? Hello?"
"Call her back, ya idiot."
"I am...It's going to voicemail, boss. I think she blocked the number."
"Uh, what're you doing, boss?"
"Ya heard da lady. Little Miss Sherri here is gonna hafta EARN her ransom, so I'm gonna hafta test her earning potential."
Her eyes looking up
Her partially exposed chest
Her glasses still on
Her crotch hair peeking over the panty
Because a cutie with a body like that utterly in their clutches, I would expect villains would be more than happy to keep her anyways.