Because you are paying for the same water that comes out of a faucet in your home to be bottled in a single-use container made of oil, shipped hundreds of mi in a truck, stocked in a restaurant, placed in a bag, picked up by a person in their own car, driven across town, and delivered to your door.
Because any time you add a fucking middleman to a good or service, the price goes up. You know this, but you’ve decided it’s not socially acceptable to acknowledge it when it comes to something you like, e.g. app-based treats delivery.
If you want to use the middleman’s services to deliver water you could more easily get from your tap, there’s a cost involved. You’re free to go to the restaurant yourself if you don’t want to pay for someone to bring it to you.
This is in the official Chipotle app under the pickup option, this is the price in-store. Who is the middleman you’re referring to that’s making a bottle of water $5?