So, here I start the thread for multimedia or literature content I see, read or watch during 2025. Precious thread is in X, in case you are curious :)
Lets see how It goes!
Lets see how It goes!
We start this thread with a really entertaining film. I admit it was better than I expected. It seems they will make a film saga and I am already looking forward for the fourth one. Recommended if you are a fan of Sonic or want an entertaining movie marathon along with the other two 😄
Watched It with The Boys, Rock and my lovely A comedy film, as I remember from last time 🤣🤣🤣
Watched it with and Anabely. A really good Christmas film about the origins of Santa Claus. Calm to watch, beautifully animated and the dynamic w/ Jesper and Santa is really sweet. Recommended. And it´s Spanish! Not usual to have a really good Spanish animated film
I am showing this really good series to the little, and so far so good. He is convinced to go for the second season =D
The boys and I continued with this comedy saga xD. Entertaining to see how dumb the plot and character development is. I wonder if a third part will be released...
Finally ended the series with my love I am glad he liked it, and I didnt remember how good it was. Maybe the ending special is a bit rushed as it was supposed to be 5 seasons, it was cancelled, and due to fans they did the final film. Still good