I loved fax modems. Being able to send images from a computer meant they looked like proper greyscale (dithered) images, rather than indecipherable murky blobs. Friends and colleagues would ask “How did you do that?”.
Well, the ones who wanted to remain my friends did.
when I learned #TestDrivenDevelopment my assignment was to send fax reports of order fulfillment. I looked up the phone number of every fax in the office (1999) and my test cases sent dummy faxes to all of them.
so my colleagues got me a fax machine of my own and installed it in my cubicle
Well, the ones who wanted to remain my friends did.
punched cards
9 track
30 MB disk platters as big as a wedding cake
machine language
so my colleagues got me a fax machine of my own and installed it in my cubicle
I wonder what they would do with an acoustic coupler! 🤣