LFS or Gentoo? Slackware at least has slackpkg for packages directly supported by Pat and the Gang or my other hero, Alien Bob for base Slackware or Alien repos!
Oh you're a Gentoo fellow for sure. Never really enjoyed Gentoo. Learned how to install it, but compiling everything just took so long! Maybe I should try it again now that it can use binaries.
That's why you install distcc on every available machine. Need to recompile KDE and the office suite? Null problemo, pal, your mates will split the load!
You can easily spare a couple of threads on today's cores and make it a breeze.
As described, this sounds like LFS.
Tweek the /etc/make.conf for optimizations
cd /usr/ports/$program
answer all the Ncurses based questions
make install
You can easily spare a couple of threads on today's cores and make it a breeze.