It would give me comfort to believe - and like - this post, but I am always critical, even - no, especially - to good news. Are there other sources that confirm this ?
The OP’s mother lives in that town & has confirmed it’s real. Another commenter further down says she lives in this town & it’s real. Give the comments another review. You’ll find them. 😊
I did and they are not saying what you think they're saying. Yes, the OP's mother lives there... but is that a confirmation ? Not really. The others say they are living there, but they didn't say they saw the billboard. So, no confirmation so far.
Also home of the FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness. (In addition to all the full time employees and contractor jobs, they hire a lot of locals per diem to play victims in the scenarios.)
I want him out of SpaceX. I want him fucking out of anything to do with United States of America. He's not a citizen. He is not a traitor. He's not from this country. He's a shit bag South African SCUZZ
The Truth hurts so we mitigate it for you, don't be sad about it because in the ballot box it was not Elon Reeves Musk the first generation immigrant you voted for. Fresh off the boat with money he earned through divorce and inherited made purchases that eventually ruined Twitter and Tesla.🦅🫖🌟🦁✝️❤️🔥🧲
If someone could email this to DJ’s father. I heard he was upset. Someone should really explain to him what the party of family is really all about. It is truly sad that 54% of Americans cannot read at a 6th grade level. I’m making posters to mail to MAGA family.
At my local library I can make up to 200 copies a day. I’ve been busy trying to educated the 54% of Americans who read at a 6th grade level where we are at. I will mail to MAGA for a small fee. I should start a catalog
Yup, sent it back to South Africa or just stuff it in a Spacelink thingy crappy ship and watch it explode over Florida or even just over the Oval office...
The folks that work at the Center for Domestic Preparedness provide some of the most realistic and valuable training I have ever experienced. If you are associated with any part of healthcare or public safety, this is where you want to spend a week.
Red states are not made up of all red voters in all areas. I’m from Alabama. The liberals who are there are the strongest in the US. Battle ready and more numerous than you’d think.
Spent some time at Anniston Army Arsenal working in support of chemical materiel stockpile reduction Rural area where all the good jobs were at the Depot. Nice, hard working personnel. Not woke country, so I'm hoping this means some are waking up to what's happening to them and who's responsible
Thank you brave person that got up there and actually put that sign up..! That had to take a big amount if time to do…where people could figure it out before it was finished..!🙄😸🙏
It was the East Alabama Democratic Party. They rented the sign. Paid to have the banner made and pasted. And their names are known and they aren’t cowering in the shadows. Everyone has to find their public courage. Either huge like this or to a Sunday School class or a 12 step group.
No that’s the guy that put us in prison jumpsuits with Tesla patches on our arms. T is for the way you take my liberty away. Kind of a control thing. He did make Bone Spurs a billionaire again by rigging his crypto, so he’s not all bad., have you or your mom actually seen this billboard irl? Did this pic come from your mom?
Just asking for another commenter who, understandably in this AI/spoofing climate, has asked for confirmation. Not an unreasonable ask given all the BS the internet provides us all. 😊
Contact your county democratic party. Or, join. It takes money and partners to make it happen. Limestone County has an active group if Lawrence doesn't.
Yes. It’s the Calhoun County Democrats (I said East Alabama in another post, but it’s Calhoun County). Enlarge the picture. You can see it. And one of the people who paid for it was at an Indivisible rally in Birmingham and I met him there. It’s freaking amazing.
It's real. Calhoun County Alabama Democratic Party, sponsored by an anonymous donor. There are also signs in Birmingham of Tommy Tuberville wearing a Russian hat.
I've spent time in Anniston, AL, & let me tell you, it's a small town—like, really small. This is a BIG deal! I believe in the fight against Trump, & I think billboards and t-shirts are super effective. People can't just look away; they can't ignore the message, & it really sinks in. More of this!
This is good
from Uganda how are you doing there and your family ❤️ peace upon you 😊
And he only took your job because you were ineffective inefficient and not required.
-- lied on his student visa
-- lied on his work visa
-- lied on his naturalization paperwork
( see previous two ).
Beginning to see a pattern here...
I never knew you had in you Alabama.
You can tell the first version of this ad must've had Tesla logos for Ts but then legal told them off so they patched in those wrong-looking ones.
That’s how much Congress costs the tax payers each year
If Congress is just going to abdicate all power to the Executive Branch, that money spent feels like waste, fraud, and abuse.
Do your jobs, Congress
My father’s family lives in Sylacauga!!!!
They are all RED MAGA Militia!!!!!
I’m shocked this is in Anniston.
When in doubt, opt out. There’s always something more we can do. And we can do it by doing less. Help us #shutdown315
Just asking for another commenter who, understandably in this AI/spoofing climate, has asked for confirmation. Not an unreasonable ask given all the BS the internet provides us all. 😊