We need a full-blown constitutional convention charged with amending the nearly 250-year-old document so as to clarify arcane or ambiguous provisions that otherwise conflict with protecting public safety or that impede the full expression of democratic principles.
Its been less than two months and the American people are protesting and protecting their neighbors enough that he's been ineffective. Consider joining the resistance.
I ruminate daily hourly every minute. He is unfit and must be removed. Just as unfit Cabinet positions have been voted in I don’t see any Republican having courage.
The big problem with the design of the constitution is that the checks and balances are for the most part on the honor system. Congress and the courts have no enforcement agencies of their own, they rely on DOJ. Once he gutted it, we began spiraling out of control.
The problem is that our founding fathers believed that our elected officials would be people of honor, integrity, and conscience who would respect an uphold their oaths. They never imagined or foresaw such cowardice, deception, corruption, and dishonor.
2nd Amendment was written as a safety mechanism for all the other amendments. We can no longer trust the government branches to protect us. Well regulated militia, anyone?
But, of course, we're dreaming.
Your Constitution is solid.
Is your military?