might be worth checking PACER to see if there's any one who subpoena'd bsky recently but idk if they would have done it in federal court and/or if that's how they obtained it. I tried checking RECAP and didn't find anything but it doesn't have everything and I think I still owe PACER money so
p sure bill has told me he has no idea what the email on his account was or else maybe that he’s not sure he even had one — and while they don’t formally declare that they’re collecting our phone numbers the app theoretically could still be doing so
real talk, lawyers often have access to so many databases and resources to find ppl - if they were able to find their irl name they were probably able to acquire everything else even if it is private. not saying that's the case here, but it isn't outside of the realm of possibility
them handing out phone numbers seems to me like it might be a stretch but the odds are still nonzero and the company is still radio silent about the effective policy here