🚨Watch what happened ⬇️ when we tried to ask Dr. Joseph Webb about his decision to step down as CEO of Nashville General Hospital and the just released findings of a Metro investigation into fraud and wasteful spending by the hospital leadership. ⬇️ https://www.newschannel5.com/news/newschannel-5-investigates/hospital-ceo-tries-to-avoid-questions-following-a-scathing-metro-audit
However, it's not gaining tons of traction here, mostly due (imo) how this site operates in a decentralized fashion.
In order to get engagement, you either a) need to write provocatively, or b) have a larger account 1)
It's wonderful, valuable stuff, and more people should see/read it. But it takes more effort to reach out on here than on an algorithm driven service. Though I feel it is worth the effort ❤️