LMAO 🤣🤣🤣 Lucifer, what were you expecting, of course he'd fall in the water when you do that 😂
I love how Lucifer has to pick Alastor up too, wasnthe poor deer stuck or something? 🤭 Oh, and Al's curly hair 🩷🧡💛
He thought Alastor would lean forward to hold into him, not hold onto the deck for dear life. xD
And it's my HC that alastor doesn't know how to swim! So he just stayed there, not knowing what to do 😅
His 'oh shit' face is sending me! To be fair, maybe Alastor shouldn't have taken Luci to a rickety pier in his water-based pocket dimension if he wasn't looking to get wet-n-wild XD
get his ass Lu!
I love how Lucifer has to pick Alastor up too, wasnthe poor deer stuck or something? 🤭 Oh, and Al's curly hair 🩷🧡💛
And it's my HC that alastor doesn't know how to swim! So he just stayed there, not knowing what to do 😅