used to work at a pie shop and the owners were this cute little white lesbian couple, everyone loved them. they only hired kids, would underpay + haggle over $0.25 raises. then they'd go out to expensive prix fixe lunches on a random tuesday. also had us keep cut produce in the employee bathroom
Reposted from
rax ‘levon honkers’ king
you can really tell who’s never worked in the service industry based on who romanticizes the concept of the Small Business lol
Oh great you're gonna scream at me and throw stuff
give a white person some oppression and they use it to be even more clueless and racist instead of actually fucking learning some goddamn empathy from it
Edmonton still doesn't have a pride parade (last one was, uh, 2019?) because the parade committee was too white and didn't want to include BIPOC queer folks in the planning or committee membership.
I was on a video call and I wasn’t alone in my home office so we all had to sit in the violent awkwardness.
There's nothing noble about being oppressed by a petty local baron instead of a faceless corporate board.
like ya you get the rare small time or single family landlord that are actually really nice and kind but nine times out of ten you're better off with the professionally evil rather than the small time evil
then acting like they are oppressed and like you're a monster when you expect them to follow the law
ya I am fucking done with it, I moved into a corp owned apartment with a corp building manager
But, real psychopathy takes an individual.
and big same, especially my last landlord she was fucking terrifyingly unhinged like i was waiting for that bitch to break down a door with an axe or something
but ya my last landlord put up spy cameras and was sending my neighbour emails with pictures of her leaving the house and shit 😩
I used to work at a date shake stand and at a mid tier restaurant and vastly preferred making date shakes