It’s worth emphasizing that the Colombia fight was not about accepting deportations. It was that the Colombian president demanded deportees be treated humanely, and not as props for Trump’s performative cruelty. That simple request for decency was enough for Trump to instigate a trade war.
They got rid of what little sense of decency they had so they could do truly cruel things.
He’s like a toddler with a new, threatening toy.
Trump has declared war already…
(that's a little man)
This was deliberate provocation on the part of *our* "government."
of the emergency declaration. It diverts funding and undercuts military readiness.
Everything about them becomes crystal clear through that lens.
Trump: threatens Tarifs
Colombia: threatens matching Tarifs and calls trump weak.
Trump backs down on Tarifs which in turn undoes Colombia's Tarifs.
US propaganda Media: wow Trump crushed Colombia. Big man strong
Does the Donald WANT to deliver Latin America to China?
It wasn't about the repatriations but about how they were executed that rubbed the Latin Americans inlcuding Brazil & Mexico the wrong way.