people I think it's a beautiful reversal of roles for sociologists and environmental scientists to butt in on economists and go "actually you dumb asses, income effects are obviously GIGANTIC."
hmm it's too bad that this abstract didn't cover the most obvious problem of all in degrowth "literature" as illustrated neatly in this reply - conflating capital intensity with physical resources
another interesting factor that is common to excessively academic rubbish is the insistence on making up new terms that use familiar words in vague ways so those with no substance can just argue about definitions.
which is how solar/wind farms can "degrow" emissions while "degrowthers" spurn them
As an agonist of quasi -expansionary sustainablism, I'm unsurprised you would promulgate a neo-colonialist anglo-linguistic proscriptive paradigm to police more conscientious pedagogies that are endeavoring to overturn the empiricist hegemony
the reason "degrow" sounds so strange is the latin "de" is being added to old English "grow". yuck. "deflate" is latinate, in English we have "shrink"...
you may be unsurprised to learn that there are old-school enviro-hippies in Berkeley who oppose new apartment construction near transit for the same reason
... and they got absolutely destroyed in this past election 😝
Here the New Left isn't doing well in the elections either, but instead we have a CDU mayor with an atypically moderate SPD junior partner; first order of business when the mayor came to power was canceling pedestrianization and bike lane projects.
Way before tweets. My Bircher-adjacent great uncle’s essay “Tragedy of the Commons” had zero research underpinning it. It got popular and still causes harm. The first person to research his claims debunked him completely and won a Nobel.
We used to just believe any random white guy with a phd
funny you mention it, I once used the phrase "tragedy of the commons" to describe how some middle-class people want the same exclusionary zoning as rich neighborhoods, and got hectored by a nerd who said I was promoting zero-sum thinking by a eugenicist.
I’m dropping it a lot in shame lately to make up for all the times my relatives have dropped it proudly. The fam brainwashed itself into thinking he was an ecologist and very important. I’m trying to undo decades of their BIRGing.
Ok, he was nice to his grandkids. So was Rudolf Hess.
How does Dyson swarm resolve issues of microplastics and chemical pollution?
repost: really need an edit button.
which is how solar/wind farms can "degrow" emissions while "degrowthers" spurn them
And I fucking had to vote Green because Ukraine.
... and they got absolutely destroyed in this past election 😝
Here the New Left isn't doing well in the elections either, but instead we have a CDU mayor with an atypically moderate SPD junior partner; first order of business when the mayor came to power was canceling pedestrianization and bike lane projects.
We used to just believe any random white guy with a phd
...zoning, famously a natural resource
Ok, he was nice to his grandkids. So was Rudolf Hess.