Watching Americans outraged about the treatment of Zelenskyy while we can't even get a single media outlet to publish an open letter from Abu Marzook, let alone get a leader of the resistance to the violent occupation of Palestine a meeting with the president is truly something. You deserve Trump.
Selenskyj is the man of the future. He well understands issues of occupation / invasion / genocide / destruction by a foreign power.
Why are you aggressive?
Apologies if anything I wrote offended you or your folks.
But why an airhead?
You can't blame ppl for a plate of shit when what you're offering is that same plate of shit with lime vinaigrette on it
Russia the forever boogeyman?
What will happen to all those Ukraine flags in peoples bios?
Incidentally, why are they asking Jewish groups and not also Afghans for their views on SS, swastikas, and Confederate White power flags in occupied Afghanistan?
Which is weird because its soil is soaked with the blood of it's Native Iranic Sarmatian people exterminated in a Holocaust by the current settler colonizer 'Ukrainians'
I hope you are well
This is my new account
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