I remember Drake had scheduled his tour in Melbourne on THE DAY of the halftime show... but I think what he didn't anticipate for was the time in which the show would be live where HE was.
It was roughly 12 to 1 pm. His show wasn't until 7:30.
He saw it. Dude tried to escape, but played himself.
I'm sure he has by now. He's having a kinda tough week.. He's touring in Australia, and the other night some clown with measles went to his show, possibly infecting thousands.
it’s like that Bugs Bunny cartoon with the opera singer where the guy fucks with Bugs Bunny for the first 90 seconds and the whole rest of the cartoon is Bugs wreaking his horrible escalating revenge
brother he watched it on live TV, in his room, phones on. Probably throwing a party to pretend he didn't care, all attendees watching on their phones too. He comes back to the party, everybody pretending no one's seen it. The party becomes a funeral
This is the grin of a man who knows he's watching
It was roughly 12 to 1 pm. His show wasn't until 7:30.
He saw it. Dude tried to escape, but played himself.
This is the grin of a man who knows he's watching