As a possibly autistic person, I am actually interested in interacting with other people. I'm just not the slightest bit interested in "How-are-you-and-how-are-the-kids-and-did-you-see-the-football"
I suspect many other spectrum dwellers are similar.
I suspect many other spectrum dwellers are similar.
Q: Do most people bore you shitless ?
A: Yes = ASD No= "Go away then."
Just asking because, at the time, travelling was such a pain and a risk that I spent it by myself here in England instead of with family in Italy. That was the first time in my life. I had been made redundant about 6 wks earlier (after furlough) but found my own pace
I suspect the ones that fit best are those that have managed to steer conversations in ways other than “I don’t give a rats ass about your ugly children, so can we talk about something else.”
Big talk: woke