NEW! Pack your bags! Because on the new TrekRanks we're visiting your “Top 5 Dream Destinations” in #StarTrek! It’s those locations you want to hit on vacation or just see in person. We cover everything from planets to space stations to museums! Where you going?
4. P'jem
3. Bajor
2. Vasquez Rocks the Star Trek version of course
1. Risa of course
5. Starbase 1, SNW "Spock Amok"
4. Narj's Miraculous Menagerium, LD "I Have No Bones"
3. Alastria, VOY "Prime Factors"
2. Kira's friend's house in Musilla province, DS9 "Looking for par'Mach"
1. The Eternal Gallery and Archive, DSC "Labyrinths"
1. Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
2. Sisko's house on Bajor
(Kendra Providence)
3. Eternal Galactic Archive
4. Deep Space K7
5. Memory Alpha
5. 32nd Century Kaminar S4 Ep1 Kobayashi Maru
4. Ni'Var Science Institute S4 Ep3 Chose to Live
3. Michael & Book’s home S5 Ep10 Life, Itself
2. Sarek’s home S2 Ep7 Light & Shadows
1. Library/Archive S5 Ep8 Labyrinths
Secondary Systems
Xahia Short Runaway
2. Vulcan: to get some peace and quiet.
3. Qo’noS: to learn about the ways of the warrior.
4. Deep Space Nine: have a drink at Quark’s, see the wormhole, & visit Bajor.
5. Risa: I hear there’s this wonderful little seafood restaurant…😉