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The Republican war on health care is alive and well.
Republicans have one goal in mind: rip away coverage for millions in order to provide tax breaks for
their billionaire friends.
Don't Cut My Medicaid.
The Republican war on health care is alive and well.
Republicans have one goal in mind: rip away coverage for millions in order to provide tax breaks for
their billionaire friends.
Don't Cut My Medicaid.
and he will hurt all of his enemies of which the government is the biggest one
Reducing costs and reducing taxes are not related for Trumpelon
Click here https://social.demcast.com/toolkit/medicaid-e0d2?filters=eyJsYWJlbHMiOltdLCJzb2NpYWxOZXR3b3JrcyI6WyJibHVlc2t5Il0sInN0YXR1cyI6W10sIm1lZGlhVHlwZXMiOltdLCJ0ZXh0IjpbXX0%3D