You know when you see media saying things like “unfortunate gesture” and you get annoyed because it was clearly a Nazi salute…
Well that’s how I feel when I read about C19 in the past tense, or that it’s “mild” and all the “they had co-morbidities” stuff.
As well as “mystery illnesses”.
Well that’s how I feel when I read about C19 in the past tense, or that it’s “mild” and all the “they had co-morbidities” stuff.
As well as “mystery illnesses”.
Wear a mask. Isolate the infected.
“Can’t do that. Not practical. Sigh, if only there was a way”
Using euphemisms to add a sense of vagueness, detachment, replacing harsh imagery with softer, more neutral terms… (eg., civilian deaths as “collateral damage”)
Bad thing —> Neutral thing
This is very dangerous!
Yes, all those nonpersons and their unexistence.
Airborne/N95 & NPI worked
Repeat infection NO immunity
Immune hijacking
Epithelial damage
Debilitating PASC cascade
Kids: "asymptomatic" vectors
Opportunistic HAI danger
Proteolytic enzymes help
SIRT/ polyphenol isoflavone rich diet helps?
I'm not enjoying pretending H5N1 isn't a problem.
The list of people with 'co-morbidities' is effectively 100% of the population, e.g. people who don't exercise regularly, among many other things.
So in one stroke, they minimize, and a normie reading it thinks, hey that's just the weaklings, not me ..