I hate that I'm going to have to reduce my thesis to something that I never wanted simply because I need it over... I'm tired of the bullying and methodical exclusion that started the first time I called him on it when he tried gaslighting me.
He closed the lab he promised me experience in.
He removed my access to my data and the more powerful lab computer.
He acted like working from home was my idea.
We gave up all of our stability for this shit. I had other options that I now know were better... I'm too old for this shit, though.
I'm not going to stand and accept the bad treatment of myself or my younger colleagues.
it isn't the research I wanted or experience I was promised... but the bully isn't taking the degree from me.
He keeps saying he is "here to support" me, but his actions don't match, and I am too old to fall for the gaslighting.
#Academia needs to learn accountability.