I’ve commented on the piss poor optics from Labour of late but my god, let’s not forget what shit they are clearing up after 14 years of Tory mismanagement and corruption.
Not even 9 months in and people who should know better are blaming Labour for the deep hole that is British economy?
Not even 9 months in and people who should know better are blaming Labour for the deep hole that is British economy?
In my case I have an NHS dental appointment in 2 weeks time after 8 years of trying.
My daughter got her long awaited operation, now pain free.
Starmer should go to the country and LEAD. Tax the rich, join SM and CU and frankly flick the bird to Farage et al.
It's like a basal human instinct. It's really unfashionable to recognise degrees of responsibility. But not equal until 14 years…
I've never been sure if this was a
'voter pleaser' as an incentive or, they knew they couldnt win so they wanted to make things as financially difficult as possible for the incoming government, with 2029 in mind.
It was definitely to sabotage the incoming government. Extremely cynical and reckless. Now we have extra cuts because of it.
Makes me want to vote Labour to not let the Tories win.
Party over country.