Yeah, that's the problem - I have to cover it which means I can only afford X amount of time per platform. I nearly finished Generations 1 on PS5 without issue but don't have time to do that for every platform. :(
Hmm, weird. I have noticed plenty of other changes, though, but mostly in terms of minor visual things. It's clearly the older Engine still but they definitely made changes. 120 fps mode is only available for Shadow on PC, for instance, same with TAA and other modern options.
My exact circumstance was I had my system in rest mode for a few days before I installed and played through the game just today. Hope that helps at all!
I ran into some of your examples myself. While I can't replicate them at will (except for the underwater i-frame one) I also had some other oddities, mostly level architecture collision stuff and mostly in later 2D Sonic stages unfortunately.
But I see all your examples and I almost have to believe something in the way physics/collisions are handled is just ~slightly off in certain angles and speeds. Hope it is fixable via patch.
Actually, yes! I put in the disc to install yesterday night, had some dinner and when I returned, the PS5 already went into rest mode. So I booted it up again and started playing right away.
I'm getting caught up on level geometry, clipping through objects, getting randomly warped around or sliding backwards. And no, these aren't issues that were in the original, not even on PC at a higher FPS. What did they do to this?
Man all these clips are annoying. The original game had its faults but this is even worse than before. I still intend to check it out whenever I have the opportunity if the Shadow content is as good as I hear, but man I was hoping they'd improve Generations, not make it worse!
When you said earlier that you saw no bugs, were you playing from a cold boot? And now that you're seeing these bugs, by any chance did you start playing after waking the PS5 from rest mode?
I was playing from rest mode and for the first few levels I wasn't noticing anything but after seeing this post and going through the later levels I have been noticing some bugs. From what I experienced a clean reboot hasn't made a difference. At least shadow generations seems to be bug free
Noticed a weird issue in speed highway as classic sonic when I go down the first loop taking the top path he will start running/falling in the air but when I look up gameplay of the original game it doesn't happen. What a bummer.
It's still good fun, but it's a bit annoying.
Though to be fair, that was the only instance of "glitching" for me so far (I'm at the Sonic Heroes part of the 2011 campaign now, PS5 version).