I built a feed for the #widespreadpanic community
to be able to gather the #hometeam on Bluesky ❤️
Help me somebody to bring more artists, show info, merch, posters, and face value tickets to the feed
See comments to learn how to use feeds, help curate the feed or to add posts
to be able to gather the #hometeam on Bluesky ❤️
Help me somebody to bring more artists, show info, merch, posters, and face value tickets to the feed
See comments to learn how to use feeds, help curate the feed or to add posts
You can organize your feed by going to your home 🏠 page, click the menu on the top left, then click “# Feed” then click the settings ⚙️ on the top right.
You can also recommend tags or lists to be added to the feed.
If you’re spamming, being a dick, or misusing tags you can be blocked #dontbeadick
Thanks for your patience 🍄
#widespreadpanic #wsmfp #wspposters #wspmerch #wspartists #wsptickets #wspstories #wspphotos #wspstreams #wspshows #vicchesnutt #bloodkin #wspheroes #wspsandbox #wsphometeam