What part would be false?
Israel has over 700k illegal settlers in the west bank (terrorists).
Occupies illegally the Golan, parts of Jerusalem and Lebanon.
Netanyahu's directly responsible for the unlawful 2003 Irak war and its destruction.
The list goes on.
It is a deeply fascist state.
Israel was responsible for the 2003 Iraq war? Now that’s a new one. From what I recall, Saddam was launching missiles into Israel trying to draw them into the war and thus, create a broader Arab- Israeli conflict, but Israel didn’t take the bait. What am I missing?
The whole WMD thing is an invention of Netanyahou that came before the American Congress to swear Saddam had them intended to attack the us and was linked to 911.
All false, and all to pull the US into a war to weaken a belligerent neighbor.
Just like they did with Iran now.
Had Saddam allowed UN weapons inspectors to do their job, the war wouldn’t have happened. But he wanted to play the tough guy. Also, most of the world knew no WMD’s existed and its why they sat out, so blaming Israel is quite a reach.
But he did.
They did their job and found the accusations unfounded.
The UN voted against the war.
Yet the US and its cronies went in anyway.
The false "democracy" argument came much later when the story of WMD and 911 were no longer sustainable.
The war happened because the neocon and bibi wanted it
Although Iraq was cooperative on what inspectors called “process”—allowing inspectors access to suspected weapons sites, for example—it was only marginally cooperative in answering the questions surrounding its weapons programs.
Israel has over 700k illegal settlers in the west bank (terrorists).
Occupies illegally the Golan, parts of Jerusalem and Lebanon.
Netanyahu's directly responsible for the unlawful 2003 Irak war and its destruction.
The list goes on.
It is a deeply fascist state.
All false, and all to pull the US into a war to weaken a belligerent neighbor.
Just like they did with Iran now.
They did their job and found the accusations unfounded.
The UN voted against the war.
Yet the US and its cronies went in anyway.
The false "democracy" argument came much later when the story of WMD and 911 were no longer sustainable.
The war happened because the neocon and bibi wanted it