🔴DRA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
🔴This oversight would impact other non-profits across the State.
🔴DRA currently receives no state funding for any work.
🔴DRA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
🔴This oversight would impact other non-profits across the State.
🔴DRA currently receives no state funding for any work.
🔴DRA provides an extra layer of protection to people with disabilities in Arkansas at no cost to the State.
🔴This bill does nothing to help ensure residents of Arkansas are free from abuse and neglect.
🔴DRA also does extensive work in Education, Employment, Transition, Medicaid/PASSE, Guardianship, Self-Advocacy, and Training.
To view the Official Statement from our Executive Director, visit: https://disabilityrightsar.org/inthenews/
#DisabilityRightsAR #arpx #arleg #SayNO #nonprofit #Disability