🚨UPDATE🚨There is a Committee meeting tomorrow morning and HB1382 is ON the agenda!

📲Contact your Legislators/Members of the House Public Health Committee and tell them to VOTE AGAINST🚫 HB1382!

View Here: https://arkleg.state.ar.us/Bills/Detail?id=HB1382&ddBienniumSession=2025%2F2025R

#DisabilityRightsAR #arleg #arpx
(🧵)⏰📢URGENT ACTION ALERT: SAY NO TO HB1382📢⏰This bill is on the Committee's agenda for TOMORROW morning at 9am!

📲Contact your Legislators/Members of the House Public Health Committee and tell them to VOTE AGAINST🚫 HB1382! (You can find your district here: districtfinder.youraedi.com)
