gonna say this here since it won't get 5K likes and DB fans breathing down my neck
but if that shit about Iyoku being the reason for all the reused ideas is true, it does not fill me with any hope for the future of DB lol
and now there's not even influence from Toriyama
but if that shit about Iyoku being the reason for all the reused ideas is true, it does not fill me with any hope for the future of DB lol
and now there's not even influence from Toriyama
i think toyotaro actually managed it the best of all the new material we got
17 straight eps of new stories, locations and ideas and then boom SSJ4 like come on man lmfao
it's not even unique like Z Broly and DBS Broly it's the same form but tweaked a little just to look different
the ep looked great and all but i wish they did something else. or tried something new and creative with SSJ4
like rn its just SSJ4 without the stuff that actually made the form great in GT
But Iyoku being so insistent on pandering to nostalgic fans is gonna kill the series if it isn't balanced out with actual new ideas.
Then this.
Dude needs to pump the fucking brakes with appealing to the rose tinted goggles at least a LITTLE.
hope we get an update on it whenever that one-shot drops, but if we don't get the manga it might just be over for the franchise
i hope it doesn't get cancelled for some reason
and the little original stuff we do get people end up liking anyway
There's no nuance on that app and it makes conversations very obnoxious to engage with.
I completely agree with you; it doesn't look good for the future I'm ngl
nobody wanting to actually have a conversation or face harsh truths, just got called a hater over and over and that i was miserable
calling me all of this while i was literally mourning the creator's loss
If anything it just screams to me a lack of confidence on both Shuiesha and Toei's part that their originally ideas will sell well to DB fans so they resort to key jingling to maintain a profit. It's unfortunate