Is this about One Piece specifically or are there other anime where there's a crossdresser, etc., that's explicitly stated to not be trans and people think they're trans because of it?
I love Ivankov and all the okama, but the fact that transphobic OP fans use it as a dunk like "see! Oda thinks you guys are freaks!" when Kiku and Yamato are right the fuck there (not to mention all of Iva's performance/speech on level 5.5)
Unfortunately, "Transported to another world as a lukewarm glass of water, i must manage the supply chains of a colonial empire" will be renewed for several seasons.
It will gain 17 awards be celebrated for being relatively progressive bold and forward thinking have 2 more seasons and a movie
Green folk in 30 years time will particially base their identity around it and praise it for "what it tried to do despite being outdated slightly by todays standards"
We love it here 🙃
Green folk in 30 years time will particially base their identity around it and praise it for "what it tried to do despite being outdated slightly by todays standards"