is there a vocal version of jingle bells that’s genuinely cool and not like, cringey lol
i feel most attempts to make it cool feel contrived
i feel most attempts to make it cool feel contrived
i mean like, is there a version that can escape nursery rhyme nature of the song
even like frank sinatra’s version feels like, underwhelming and the syncopations feel kinda forced (in my opinion!)
I get that, especially since most renditions are quite rigid with Christmas carols especially. My guess is that most people don't want to make it too different to take away from the identity?
And as much as I love Sinatra, I agree that version is underwhelming
but even their version of jingle bells they had to alter the melody a ton
manages be be jazzy and cozy without feeling too forced. works really well for his voice! the melody has a small range so it fits the really laid back vocals
this one’s more ironic/uses juxtaposition, but it works in this case!
motown christmas is really good tho