It goes beyond DEI, they are mismanaging departments with specific goals in mind. It is actually quite illegal what they are doing and we have to remember that they didn't get stopped the first time. The people have to take action if they want results
At this time, I feel so jaded that I have to ask if this person was really a threat or was the person like the young man that supposedly tried to assassinate him?
If this actually happened, this would be the first part of their excuse to evoke Martial Law.
Part 2 would be that Vance was heckled by a group of protestors while pushing a stroller.
Who in their right mind takes their children near a group of protestors?
"President Donald Trump was not at the White House Sunday morning". No shit, Sherlock. He can't be bothered spending any time there when he prefers either golfing at one of his golf motels or hosting bribery dinners at Motel-A-Lardo.
Please report to Elon Musk, that Secret Service Detail to the White House is waste, fraud and abuse of tax payer money and all SS detail should be fired.
Trump is bringing out the worst in people. This is really not surprising given all the violent rhetoric and division he spews. I'm sorry to hear about another person injured.
tRUmp, a neurolically damaged psychopath, does not possess the undamaged neurological faculties to give a damn. With the clusterfuck of co-morbidities atop his brain damage, this country is lucky he hasn't already 'torched the truck stop.'
Agreed. The sociopathic momentum & corrupt cabalistic energy boiling behind Pawpaw Dementia feels like crises not seen here in ages are coming. Imperfect as it may have been, Joe gave us far more sensible solutions & stability. tRUmp is nothing but CHAOS.
Could this be the beginning Of No more 2nd amendment, dictators don’t want to be Overthrown and people have any kind of Gun is a BIG problem ( I saw 👀 this coming a mile away and people Laughed at me
Let me rewrite that headline. "Secret Service shoots suicidal man they were warned about outside White House." I'm so sick of clickbait headlines. Is that a class now in journalism school? Is it called Dick Moves the Press Makes 101?
And I mentioned to this person that they better be tight cause this is th beginning of this and it will get worse with the stripping of peoples rights w this WH !
I shouldnt say this but my close personal acquaintance who works there hopefully make s it an issue, if it was would be great if it was a person of color or a woman it would kill their bullshit narrative !
Part 2 would be that Vance was heckled by a group of protestors while pushing a stroller.
Who in their right mind takes their children near a group of protestors?
George Floyd Summer going to look like a church picnic.
See what you made me do?
I’ve had the same thought myself.
If I lose everything.
He doesn’t care
He was at mar a lago