Fascinating article (sorry, might be paywalled): even the pro-National economic types are saying the coalition doesn't have a clue:
"It is why Finance Minister Willis is lost, with no answers to the nation's stagnation. It is why she has no plan."
"It is why Finance Minister Willis is lost, with no answers to the nation's stagnation. It is why she has no plan."
Agree with it - "Libertarianism and classic liberalism.. also gained traction with National, but behind the scenes. PM Luxon's economic adviser, Matt Burgess, who worked at the NZ Initiative, adheres to these philosophies..."
i.e. our govt is run by Atlas junk tanks
CoS tHat iS WhaT I waNT yOu tO ThiNk
"Labour's current leader Hipkins made sure the views of Gibson were never aired - never picked up by the Main Stream Media outlets that were fully under Hipkins and Ardern's control during those times."