We have two and some orange tabbies. The tuxies are all personality. My son carried this one home from a dog walk, super skinny and dehydrated. “She lives here now.” We think her original people moved without her.
Awww thank you for being such a good human! The tux I had before this one, Socks, was a whole different personality than Domino. Socks was always laid back and stayed outside, hated being in. Domino is strictly indoors. I call him a metrosexual cat. He’s so into grooming. His fur is gorgeous
She’s busy. She loves to cuddle, but she’s in that late kitten phase where she’s endlessly curious and into everything. And she’s bossy with the dogs and other cats. She moved herself in and declared that she’s the princess, and they were like, “Okay, your highness.”