I LOVE the Nymphes. I was a little afraid that I would get tired of its sound, because it's such a particular flavor, but I never do. It only grows on me. I often use the 7:6 init preset and just tweak a few settings and just have its raw sound into some pedal effects. I am so happy with it.
Hey! I’m so glad you posted this. I am absolutely struggling with the archaic menu but I love the rich sound but sort of miss the sound design. I’ve been using an editor and that seems to help a bit. I like the shift of using it more like a piano where the focus is on playing vs sound designing.
I feel like Dreadbox is like this. Amazing sounds. Daring and original design and control choices. And then one or two really frustrating, completely head-scratching choices where you really can’t understand why, lol. But I do love them so much.
I just rewatched a Jorb video and at the end pros and cons he explains it can do everything but it’s asking to be a pad and poly device. Allow myself to just reach for something else if I want some crazy sound design. Allow this to be a 6 voice pad monster.
Yeah that checks out! I will occasionally do some really weird stuff with the LFO 2 but yeah mostly lush pads and leads. Oh and bass. Layer up the voices and give it a lot of sub-bass and that's pretty sweet too!
Okay you know what I did with the menu? I literally sat down and drilled on it for like a week practicing until I got over that hill. Pain in the ass but totally worth it. I don’t remember the weird things like how to get LFO 2 to track BPM so bust out card for that but works in general.
Reporting back here. This was the most sage advice I’ve received about this device. I spent 20 minutes just working the LFO submenu. Thanks Michael this works so well.
Oh man that's great to hear! Yeah, I did the same to myself a couple months ago with the Dystmetria's sequencer. I hated it and then just drilled five minutes everynight on it, accidentally made music I like with it, and felt a lot less hateful about it, lol.
Such a simple a eloquent solution. I like the idea of drilling it. I think you are right about locking it in. I don’t need an XD in front of my to walk someone through dialing in a patch because I know the menu and panel so well.