I thought of them as a pack of wolves attacking a man who has been fighting a monster for three years - but somehow cockroaches in suits seem to be an even better description.
People wonder why someone my age still likes Scooby-Doo. It's because they nailed this, decades ago.
Monsters are real, but they're always white guys in suits. Notice I didn't say "monster suits".
Exactly. You can still smell the stink from the regime under the suits. Zelensky was the best dressed because he wasn't polished suited excrement like the rest.
Yesterday a colleague (sadly) told that many 🇺🇸 Corp. C-suite’s & governing boards look like the picture you shared. Apparently the Trump admin is a reflection of many of our corporate C-suite’s and GovBoards, not the other way around😞. Really, really sad (and sick).
Monsters are real, but they're always white guys in suits. Notice I didn't say "monster suits".
Republicans are brain washed assholes!