For the past two-ish weeks, I was grinding my teeth so much into my nightguard that my jaw hurt every morning. Bc academic life often means that “grabbing coffee” / attending after-hours workshops / answering texts+emails = work, I didn’t realize I was working 11+hr days. Unhealthy & unsustainable.
The past two days have freed me from the jaw pain and headaches, but I’m realizing how much I’ve failed to show up for friends + family and causes I care about. Mostly recording this as a diary to myself: don’t start a new book-a-week 30p seminar the same quarter as overhauling a lecture course!
Anyway, Chicago is great and bikes are amazing (even/especially when I’m spending a lot less time riding than I’d like) and I love my job and I’m lucky to have every minute of this. Definitely have to do better on the work/life balance thing but this is a challenge I’m grateful to have.