I swear his twitter account is being used by trump. This is not the first that has trump speak and mentality all over it. And so reminiscent of the transgender mice.
FFS! This bunch of mobster morons have given up on any pretence to concern themselves with facts or fact checking. Trump displayed his crass idiocy with his hilarious gaffe about "transgender" mice, and now this from Marco Dumbio.
Our Secretary of State is such a Rubio!
(my new term to replace "rube," an uneducated or uncultured person, but this is too close to it & too good to pass up).
(my new term to replace "rube," an uneducated or uncultured person, but this is too close to it & too good to pass up).
I almost feel guilty when they make it this easy!
He’s subservient with little shame
But Lil Marco isn’t smart.