Tell me what your favorite diapers are. They can be for design or capacity reasons or whatever have you. ABDL diapers or not. I need to know!
Alphagatorz have been my fav, but Try Agains are cute and plush. Peekabus have been peak littlespace fuel and MLP easyups are hella cute.
#abdl #diapers
Alphagatorz have been my fav, but Try Agains are cute and plush. Peekabus have been peak littlespace fuel and MLP easyups are hella cute.
#abdl #diapers
BeddyByes by PTD have been my cloth-backed go-to, recently as well :)
Little Kings were the first that made me feel really little but they've since been usurped by the two-tape Kiddos Teddy's.
And I was raised with cheap disposables so Kiddo Junior Plus really take me back.
LittlePawz for feel.
PeekABU for capacity.
Megamaxes check every box for me. I could go on and on about their shell feel, tape strength, and absorbancy. Love them completely.
TryAgains are my favorite cloth backed they envelop you so fully with the fully padded back and have unmatched comfort with an adorable design
Green and stars. I'm a simple goat.
Purely off design since I’d never fit in them, but a lot of the MLP or Disney Princess diapers over the years are really cute designs, and lovely in theory.
For an ABDL print - Kiddo Teddy Ultras. Good capacity, strong hook&loop tapes & cloth-backed. Really great overall!
For a medical diaper - Northshore Megamaxes. Good capacity, discreet & cost per diaper is reasonable
Other suggestions are Tykables Unicorns & Animooz
I've had my eyes on the crinklz princess ones and omutsu purrfections tho...
And can't go wrong with the current Luvs...because Bluey. ^.^
Also mood. For normal playtime, I currently favor TinyTails. For shorter duration wearing, I have some Bambino Bellissimo I got on sale. For extra girly time, BunnyHopps.
Peekabu for thickness, softness, and the feel of the plastic.
Little Pawz for designs.
Northshore or Sunkiss for thickness, feel of the inside and out, and good as a plain white alternative if I want thick without the designs.
these aren't in any order btw
Recently I've tried Tykables and they're pretty great. Potty Monsters for the goblins, Unicorns for feeling pretty.
And Little Kings are so good!
Beddy Byes, by Potty Training Dropouts, have been my recent favorite. They're so comfy and extra cute, little giraffe Dreamworks butt. Super babyish nighttime diaper for any little one and nice and thick.
Economical price good capacity cute pattern
and also peekabus and bunnyhopps uwu