That’s how it always is. People should vote but they don’t. They live in a state that is given to begin with so they don’t care to vote. It’s a democratic problem due to how the system is put together. There’s no room for compromises when you only have two parties.
That doesn't change anything, he is in charge and, from someone like me watching from outside US, it looks like the Americans are sleeping to a massive disaster that will drag many countries that actually didn't vote for him, same protests and that it...great LOL
Trump's tribe gaslights the world every time one of them says, "The American people"...."Voted for this...wanted this...approves of this." And it goes on constantly. The American people is ALL of us. All of us did not vote for Trump. 31.78% did. Not even the majority of us.
I’m so angry that we are in this mess but the misplaced blame makes me just as angry. We have to start focusing where it matters and not just where it’s easiest. This isn’t because of the public. This is a deep systemic issue. This isn’t as simple as voting. This is a much bigger problem.
Yeah. A choice not to vote is a vote for Trump. Keep deflecting. It's what Americans do when being held to account for their shitty choices and worse behaviour.
Over 4 million (mostly Black and minority) voters were also purged from the rolls, were not mailed absentee ballots, or had their ballots thrown out/not counted this past election.
As I tell my daughter, so many people before us protested, did hard things, fought, and even died for us to be able to have bank accounts, businesses, our very own wealth, education and the right to vote. We are one full generation of women into these rights. We have to fight like hell to keep em.
Thanks for the reminder. Don't hate your country, just the leader.
Now tell anyone else in your country the same thing please.
We often get 'phony majorities' here in Canada too, but reflects the basic flaw of 'first past the post' elections as indifference.
Electoral reform is needed.
Also remember that the 32% that did vote for Trump did so based on a constant string of lies and misinformation. How can you claim a mandate when your campaign is all lies?
Maybe it's time for all Americans who didn't vote for Trump as a dictator to help throw him out of the White House. The world needs to get rid of that psychopath as soon as possible. He's about to start World War III.
More people didn’t vote, than vote for either candidate! That’s an enormous problem!
The silent majority sat out and didn’t have enough of a problem with Felon47 to go down and vote!
It’s a democratic problem that might result in the demolition of democracy in USA!
Those numbers aren't even accurate. The votes were rigged. The dumb fuck admitted to election fraud in front of people and being recorded. Smfh. Wake up people.
It is so crazy to me that everyone isn’t aware of this by now. It’s been obvious since right after the election, but if you want to see the receipts, check out
Only because of his opponent. Not because of himself.
The democrats got complacent that such a weak candidate could almost win that they played the worst possible hand. Tagging out their zombie at the worst possible time. Dooming their chances
Rigged. Votes thrown out. Votes suppressed. Voter intimidation. Voter apathy: the fact that it's spun as "too lazy to vote" works also in the fascist favor.
What this says is 36.33% are responsible for Trump being elected. This is as much their fault as MAGA. When there is a danger of tyranny? There are no sidelines.
Nope it says that 36.33% see the election doesn't give them a say. Your politicians aren't interested in finding out why because that would highlight the faults in the political process. Blame the system, not abstainers
It's a big club and you ain't in it.
The number of people not having a say is almost consistent over the last 40-50 years. Which tells me, it's not the people who are at fault,it's the political system. It's easy to participate if you're comfortable. Much harder if you're not.
Remember, some of them are homeless now because of the back to back hurricanes that hit right before the election. I'd say they probably aren't happy. The voter suppression was REAL bad this time 'round on top of that.
It's nice to keep bringing this up, but to what end? The bottom line is (just as in the recent Ontario provincial election), too many people chose not to vote or to split the vote. As a result, Trump won...and so did Doug Ford (not as popular with Ontarians as you may think).
36.33% DID NOT VOTE! They're responsible for what we're going through now. If you think those sheep are suddenly going to wake up, understand what's going on, and decide to do something about it now, you're really naive.
Those people voted before, but they couldn't bring themselves to vote for a black woman or they were protesting Biden's perceived stance on Palestinians (because the orange motherfucker cares about Palestinians, no doubt). THEY COULD HAVE VOTED. They chose not to. They may not have a chance again.
I wonder if those campus protesters who supported Palestinians and opposed Biden’s policies have found themselves reconsidering their political choices of voting for Trump or sitting out the election. They are now experiencing the results of their choices, whether through action or inaction.
Same thing happened with Hillary—she was sure to win, then suddenly, like magic, just enough votes in a few districts flipped at the last minute. I didn’t believe it—either time.
I’ve heard several theories—what I haven’t heard is anyone following them up and I don’t get why. Republicans held sham hearings and backed never-ending investigations over ridiculous accusations—Trump, Musk, and high-ranking Russians say things out loud yet nobody looks into it.
And more voted for "none of the above" by not voting than for any candidate. We need to reform our candidate selection process so that leaders people can trust and follow are selected instead those who only serve corporations & the rich.
The shameful thing here is the percentage of ppl that did not vote. In a world where, in some countries, ppl would love to be able to vote, we have 36% of americans that just sat on their a**es on election day. Shameful.
A percentage of that 36% probably did sit on their asses, but it is important to note that everyone who didn't vote didn't necessarily do so out of choice or inaction. Many methods of voter suppression occurred as well.
Maybe time for somebody to investigate the possibility of a new political party - would there not be enough unhappy people from both sides ready to vote for someone who could bring some sanity back in American politics!
Almost 70% of this country didn't vote for this moron.Wow we are stupid believing that we were some kind of special country.A few years in the last century before the majority of us were born and we have been coasting ever since.Regan to this Moron. We are the intellectual polluters of the world.
Democrats showed last night that they are the WEAK party! Weak on: political strategies, arguing political topics, winning Americans that don't support them, & using new tactics to elicit reactions. PLEASE HIRE A CONSULTANT THAT DOESN'T JUST KNOW POLITICS, BUT ALSO REALITY TV TACTICS! QUIT LOSING!!!
Sorry but 36.3% also voted for Trump. A vote for nobody was a vote for Trump.
And I’ve previously stated that Trump’s strength was how he mobilised the below average IQ demographic (through racism et al). There are approximately 33 to 34% below average IQ demographic in all societies.
Yeah, us Canadians, the Mexicans, and Greenlanders are sure glad you have that little infographic to post so we’re reminded that it’s not “all Americans”. 😑
If only we could factor in the votes that were effectively suppressed by swing state elections boards! That issue must be brought out in to the open for all to see.
4 million + were either turned away from voting, their ballots cast out, voting in areas with too few locations and hours of waiting. Then there is the Russian tail where in some swing states, Trump votes would replace Harris votes. Oh, and Russian bomb threats
The abstention rate is not exactly a ringing endorsement of the current American political scene either, alas. This is a problem that is not confined to the US.
Those %s aren't necessarily representative. Please research investigative reporter Greg Palast. Watch his documentary Vigilantes. Have a look at Election Truth Alliance, Smart Elections US. Prepare for a HELL OF A FIGHT!
It's the apathy that's most disappointing. The biggest block of voters in 2024 were the ones who couldn't even be bothered to participate in the election. That's truly, truly pathetic.
Remember, some of that block are homeless now because of the back to back hurricanes that hit right before the election. You're right that it's pathetic. It's pathetic that we don't have a sturdy election that also is a nationally mandatory holiday. The voter suppression was also REAL bad this time.
It's not really related to the hurricanes. If you look at the last "normal' election in the US, which would be 2012, the turnout was only 58%. Since 1980 turnout has consistently been around 60% of eligible voters. See column to right below.
Why blame them? Because voting, and the right to elect who leads a country, is a basic freedom that people around the world have died to protect. And four out of every "freedom lovin'" Americans can't even be bothered to do it once every four years.
36% didn’t vote. The rest of the world have to suffer because of it. I have more respect for those who voted for Trump than for those feckless idiots who didn’t vote at all.
Australia has compulsory voting from age 18 so no voter suppression. We use preference voting so third party candidates can't be used to take votes away as they flow back. Our Elections are run by an Independent Electoral Commision who also decide Electoral boundaries based on non partisan rules
And we have early voting for 2 weeks before election day every day for the whole day and evening, postal voting, and don't forget we have bbqs at the polling stations so we can buy a democracy sausage and drinks while we're waiting to vote! 🇺🇦 🇨🇦 🦘
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
The biggest problem of US votation is that you allow too much money to get in. The dumbests guys can apply for the job and probably get it because he is able to flood medias with fake news paid by his contributors. You need to regulate this. But first you need to eliminate your dictator!
Always remember that 68.11% did not vote against Trump.
In other words, over two thirds wanted this or couldn't be bothered to mark an 'X' on a piece of paper to prevent this.
Utterly pointless.
Sorry we had EXACTLY this type of post in the UK after the Brexit vote.
It doesn't make a single tiny difference, it just sounds whiny.
When 36% don't vote. This is what we get. When 36% think " they are all the same," this is what we get.
Differentiate yourself. Both as a Democrat, and someone worthy. Eric Adams is a Democrat, but ruins the country with his corrupt actions.
There isn't a shred of evidence to support the election or any reported numbers therein were legit. Musk had the money, tech, and goons to buy an election so he did which kept trump out of jail and now trump is beholden to both him AND putin.
And people wasting energy thinking that THIS is where the problem is, this election was the make or break - not the entire infrastructure of propaganda, backroom deals, bad faith legislation, rights reversals, gerrymandering, Supreme Court decisions, and 60 years of republicanism. Nope, just this.
I told this stat to my 🍊voting politically naïve neighbor a week ago and she had no idea. She really thought that he had won in a landslide. I feel bad for her because she is has MS and on assistance but we all knew some people were going to get hurt and this is life now.
The fact that so many people didn’t vote shows that the American ‘dream’ is not working for millions of Americans. America was in decline before Trump & he will accelerate that process. Time for the majority of Americans, especially Democrats, to develop a new political, social & economic model.
It doesn't matter. He is your president. Take this energy and get rid of him. Don't spend your time and energy on rehashing old news. That strategy isn't working.
The dumbasses who voted third party — that vote would have put Kamala ahead of the Russian asset.
Among the % of those who “did not vote” — let me tell you about the 1000s of voters purged in Ohio. Just one red state. Or the garbage voter ID laws blocking voters.
Actually, those numbers aren't quite right. Millions of voters were disenfranchised due a team of volunteers that challenge Democratic voter registrations. Further, we see massive vote tampering (the "Russian Tail") in swing state voter tallies. Patterns that are really strange! Trump cheated.
It makes me so disgusted that people who can vote - don't.
I'm no mega patriot but when there's an election, especially such an important one, I would, and have, travelled internationally to cast my vote, waited almost 5 hours outside in wind and rain.
37% did NOTHING to stop Trump. They are complicit.
10M Democrats didn't vote because they would rather have Trump than a black woman.
68% of Muricans are responsible for this mess.
Enough with the bullshit excuses and whinging.
And think about the fact that Trump admitted that Musk “helped him win” by fixing things - almost bet Doge boys were involved somehow doing a little tampering.
Trump did not win. 5 out 7 swing states voted in a democratic senator but yet 2-3% still voted in Trump? Even worse, 10% of Nevada voters voted for a democrat senator but voted Trump?
And? And? And? What kind of excuse is that? Stand up against that totalitarian regime! Protest, boycott and use civil disobedience. If your argument is valid a majority should be acting in no time.
And even that might not be accurate, if Elon hacked the voting machines in swing states. Which he boasted he did. Watching his ample reward I‘m inclined to believe him.
I need to argue the math on this post. The 36.33% non-voters effectively voted for Trump. Please note that a larger percentage of voters did not vote at all then the percentage of voters who turned out for either Harris or Trump. And that's why American democracy is going down the tubes.
(we used to have pretty good philosophers in France 😁)
In fact, she won the election.
Please check out these websites:
He spoke truth to power!
4 senators for Dakotas?
Just 2 for California?
Now tell anyone else in your country the same thing please.
We often get 'phony majorities' here in Canada too, but reflects the basic flaw of 'first past the post' elections as indifference.
Electoral reform is needed.
Their lack of participating helped put the orange traitor back in office.
\text{Percentage} = \left( \frac{850,000}{2,000,000} \right) X 100 = 42.5%
This means 42.5% of the targeted voters were suppressed by the vigilante groups, based on the figures you provided.
The silent majority sat out and didn’t have enough of a problem with Felon47 to go down and vote!
It’s a democratic problem that might result in the demolition of democracy in USA!
We need to fight this any way possible.
If the Save Act passes , I think its game over.
The democrats got complacent that such a weak candidate could almost win that they played the worst possible hand. Tagging out their zombie at the worst possible time. Dooming their chances
Trump admitted that he tampered with them
He's dismantling your country
Surely you should be DOING something about it!!
It's a big club and you ain't in it.
Opposing Genocide is always right.
The question is are the jackasses in Dem Party Leadership reconsidering embracing Genocide as a winning strategy.
And I’ve previously stated that Trump’s strength was how he mobilised the below average IQ demographic (through racism et al). There are approximately 33 to 34% below average IQ demographic in all societies.
Thanks to you -- here we are. 🤯
We all know.
It’s time to revolt against this Nazi regime and save your country.
fn us for....ever?
Voting-Eligible Population:244,666,890
Registered Voters: 168,303,000 [68% of VEP]
Total Votes Cast: 155,238,302 [92.35% of RV; 63.52% of VEP]
VOTED *AGAINST* TRUMP: 77,935,722 [50.20% Votes cast]
Voted FOR Trump: 77,302,580 [49.8% Votes cast; 45.9% Reg Voters; 31.6% VEP]
In other words, over two thirds wanted this or couldn't be bothered to mark an 'X' on a piece of paper to prevent this.
Sorry we had EXACTLY this type of post in the UK after the Brexit vote.
It doesn't make a single tiny difference, it just sounds whiny.
The US democracy needs action, not whining.
The election system is being attacked by these pricks
Check this out and pass it on.
And if you're in Wisconsin get to the poll Tues. April 1st!
Differentiate yourself. Both as a Democrat, and someone worthy. Eric Adams is a Democrat, but ruins the country with his corrupt actions.
There isn't a shred of evidence to support the election or any reported numbers therein were legit. Musk had the money, tech, and goons to buy an election so he did which kept trump out of jail and now trump is beholden to both him AND putin.
Keep spending energy on this tho.
It's just more BS talk that accomplishes nothing. Until the democrats put forward a candidate who resonates with young people, the country is FVCKED.
Among the % of those who “did not vote” — let me tell you about the 1000s of voters purged in Ohio. Just one red state. Or the garbage voter ID laws blocking voters.
Voters were also suppressed.
I'm no mega patriot but when there's an election, especially such an important one, I would, and have, travelled internationally to cast my vote, waited almost 5 hours outside in wind and rain.
How dare you not use your vote? Disgusting.
Prove me wrong.
10M Democrats didn't vote because they would rather have Trump than a black woman.
68% of Muricans are responsible for this mess.
Enough with the bullshit excuses and whinging.
The math doesn't math and it's because he didn't win. It was rigged!
You cannot include the lazy, do-nothing, let-someone-else-decide-because-I-don’t-give-even-the-smallest-of-fucks crowd with Harris voters.
They do not get a pass.
They are equally complicit in this disaster.