The cult are bought in to the orange felon Fuhrer, he can do no wrong in their eyes. He knows that, so when he cements ties with Putin that’s the end of the “democratic experiment” as we know it. Unless there is a revolt then it’s done, it’s over
When they are personally impacted and don’t accept the Fox News reasons for the hardship they would then be suffering, it will be a start. But it also may be too late by then
They've been brainwashed by 40 years of extreme right wing hate mongering and victimhood by hate merchants starting with Rush Limbaugh. They have no idea what's happening in the real world.
All I know is that Americans have been counted out in the past, then they have surprised. Churchill.: "Americans will always do the right thing, after they have tried everything else." I believe that just the way we are built, the Orange IL Duce doesn't have much future here. We'll see.
Not completely true. The Roman emperors had absolute power, yet they did care what the people believed, for the purpose of their own survival. Dictators lie and create false narratives ( "alternative facts",) they brainwash the people. Why? It is one person against a whole population.