To anyone who’s ever felt powerless: you’re not alone. Movements are built on the collective strength of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. You have a role in this fight, and your voice matters more than they want you to believe.
To anyone who’s ever felt powerless: you’re not alone. Movements are built on the collective strength of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. You have a role in this fight, and your voice matters more than they want you to believe.
Remember: the systems we’re fighting against are powerful, but they’re not invincible. Every protest, every vote, every conversation chips away at the foundation of injustice. We’re stronger than the forces trying to hold us back.
Progress isn’t linear, and setbacks are inevitable. But we’re not starting from scratch. We’re building on the work of those who came before us. The baton has been passed to us, and it’s our turn to run.
This is our moment to demand better. To reject apathy and choose action. To imagine an America where opportunity isn’t a privilege, but a right. Change is hard, but complacency is harder to live with. Let’s fight for the world we deserve.
To those reading this: thank you for your time, your energy, and your belief in change. The fight ahead won’t be easy, but it’s necessary. Together, we can dismantle systems of injustice and build a future rooted in equity and hope. Let’s get to work.
—Alex McKee