We should just start charging them under fraud and misconduct laws.
If anyone dies (e.g. Robodebt), then it's fraud causing death, which is manslaughter.
The problem seems to be the legal system's "flexibility" when it comes to large amounts of $.
(Naive, I know, but better than angry mobs)
It used to be that way here. Lying or misleading the public in office meant a swift kick out the door. Party leaders are to blame for letting that slide.
Albo had the chance to do this with the misinformation bill. He expressly excluded politicians. If the ALP won't do it and the Libs certainly won't, it won't happen.
When their caught they should first of all be placed in stocks in a public square for 24 hours and the public are allowed to pelt them with rotten fruit and vegetables.
I can see 'deliberately' doing a lot of work here. 'I was misinformed', 'I misremembered', ' I should have checked my sources'.......................etc, etc.
Eg, six permitted lies a day reduced by one each month.
If anyone dies (e.g. Robodebt), then it's fraud causing death, which is manslaughter.
The problem seems to be the legal system's "flexibility" when it comes to large amounts of $.
(Naive, I know, but better than angry mobs)
Hereβs another explainer