The American health system amazes and saddens me. People lose their houses and can go bankrupt because of it. Some can’t afford medicines, and I believe insurance companies can cut you off on a whim. Yet they stick with it and defend it as the best in the world.
It's perplexing how loyalty to a system that can be so detrimental persists, often rooted in a mix of misinformation and fear. Meanwhile, many other countries provide universal healthcare, prioritising the well-being of their citizens over profit. They think Socialism is Communism and reject it.
The only people I know who defend it are politicians. Everyone I know HATES it. We only tolerate it because we have no other choice right now. It minute they offer a true public option, me and my friends will be signing up. #medicareforall
And yet, as fewer & fewer companies even offer to cover a small *part* of the premium of the plan(s) offered, they'll *still* have less control over you/us.
The insurance companies and big pharma are also paying both Republicans and Democrats to make sure we don’t get nice things like universal health care (or as my husband calls it “Medicare at Birth”.)
Yes! People take jobs because they need healthcare. Many jobs now are part time or temporary forcing people to apply for the market place plans that are often confusing and costly when you go to use them. It is a crime what has happened to healthcare. I’m old enough to know it use to be affordable.
Health care has been effectively used to make people slaves to jobs they despise. It is inhumane to tie a person’s health care to an Employer! Who the hell came up with this idea? Frances Perkins tried to include universal healthcare in the SS Act in the 1930s. It was her greatest failure.
I’m in favor of universal health care. However the person who wrote that never ran a business. Healthcare costs are a major problem for companies. They would like nothing better than to out from under them.
My husband used to be a partner in a large successful accounting firm. He would have been more than happy to pay a corporate healthcare tax rather than what the company was paying out for healthcare.
That’s the point. Even accountants see the value of universal healthcare. The insurance companies and Big Pharma are so entrenched in Congressional representatives that it seems impossible that we will ever get it.
I have been in health reform since 1994 and we have been talking about this for years and years. Read my book on Kindle, Ellen In Medicaland:True Stories of How I fell down Medicine's Black Hole and still lived after all.
I tried explaining this to some visiting co-workers from Oklahoma.
In Canada I can quit my job and my family will still have healthcare and be able to afford university.
I disagree with this. Insurance companies invest so much money into politics it's unreal. They don't want universal healthcare because they don't want to offend their backers.
Civilised countries have Free Healthcare, Prescription Benefits (our Max Script cost is $25, most are $5) and Unemployment Benefits if you have no job!
Health Insurance companies are only profitable with a qualified "working" person requesting it. Less risk for non-payment.
I remember when employers paid 100% of health insurance for full time employees. It saved them money for emplpoyee retention. Employees were valued & respected.
In Canada I can quit my job and my family will still have healthcare and be able to afford university.
They'll help you sign up for welfare benefits at orientation then refuse to give you hours because 'You'll lose your benefits!'
I remember when employers paid 100% of health insurance for full time employees. It saved them money for emplpoyee retention. Employees were valued & respected.
It truly makes America suck to live in.