Elsevier is an evil corporate entity, making a fortune off privatising public science while serving the fossil fuel industry.
Welcome new paper by Angus Lyall and colleagues exposing Elsevier's greenwashing.
Welcome new paper by Angus Lyall and colleagues exposing Elsevier's greenwashing.
1/ greenwashing
2/ publishing scientific articles about oil extraction.
1/ is to be criticized, sure (even if it is a generic issue with 99% of all companies).
2/ seems to imply that Elsevier should censor such research publications.
But calling for the censoring of research into energy extraction does not seem defensible to me.
Plus it offers arguments for the Far Right accusing scientists to have dropped any neutrality.
Is that desirable/worth the risk?
And yes, a corporate entity that claims to respect climate science should not be helping FF industry. It's basic.
But then publishing houses would have to decide on what to publish or not.
Or do you favor that the government itself prohibits publishing research results on oil extraction and other topics?
Imagine what far-right governments would do...
Or merely taking their cash with overpriced open-access fees?
Maybe a complex discussion takes too much time on Bluesky. In any case: have a great day and keep up the good work!