- Drama
- Pedophiles
- Doxxers
- Spoiled rich kids who knows nothing about tech and spends all their time glazing an iPhone 16 Pro Max
- Content farmers
- People who harass you for having a different opinion
- Nazis
- transphobes
- tr*mp supporters
- People who call others ugly while looking worse
- Cancel culture
- Encouraging literal fucking crimes
- Ruining people's fun for the sake of it
- Calling every device that isn't an Apple Product "e-waste" (vice versa with Android glazers)
- Those who nitpick other people's financial decisions
- Rich ppl calling ppl poor
I will never understand "oh you main android that's e-waste" not to mention that they either have like a cracked iphone6 or like the latest iPhone, It's always tgat
Funny story,today I was in a tech store and I was checking out new phones (I main a 2016 Sony) and I see this Karen ass walk up to me,snatch my phone and she said that she'll smash my phone if I don't admit that I'm a broke (mind you,I can buy the latest flagship if I want) and thankfully 1/2
Romania wasn't shit,the Karen ass was handcuffed for assault of a minor,stealing and threats towards a minor and they wanted to give me store credit which is insignificant for me so I refused and just thanked them for acting correctly instead of not being bothered with the BS (story for other time)
- Pedophiles
- Doxxers
- Spoiled rich kids who knows nothing about tech and spends all their time glazing an iPhone 16 Pro Max
- Content farmers
- People who harass you for having a different opinion
- Nazis
- transphobes
- tr*mp supporters
- People who call others ugly while looking worse
- Encouraging literal fucking crimes
- Ruining people's fun for the sake of it
- Calling every device that isn't an Apple Product "e-waste" (vice versa with Android glazers)
- Those who nitpick other people's financial decisions
- Rich ppl calling ppl poor