So, there's been a bit of a gap. We were out with friends on Friday for a succulent Chinese Meal, then Saturday we saw Chuck Prophet with ¿Qiensave? in Newcastle, then last night we saw Mogwai finish off their European tour in Edinburgh.
So, there's been a bit of a gap. We were out with friends on Friday for a succulent Chinese Meal, then Saturday we saw Chuck Prophet with ¿Qiensave? in Newcastle, then last night we saw Mogwai finish off their European tour in Edinburgh.
We're now listening to Mogwai's "2018" live album. I forget between Mogwai gigs what an elemental force they are. I mean, I don't really, I KNOW how powerful they are, but when they hit anew after a few years away, and last night was extraordinary/
Joe Zawinul - Zawinul (1970). The epitome of Jazz Fusion. If you've ever liked electric jazz, and wondered where to start, here is a good place. I started off with Zawinul's "Brown Street" (2006), on an overnight transatlantic flight in 2007. Either will do!
Lambchop - Democracy (2012), a tour-only CD that we picked up at the time. Kurt and co. toured fairly heavily around this time, so we picked up a lot of these releases. It's been a fair few years since we've seen these guys, sadly.
Via the "Random Album Generator", BTW.
A quick round-up of last night, where we managed three albums but I forgot to list them!
First, Abdullah Ibrahim, "Water from an Ancient Well", one of the jazz greats. Hadn't listened to this for a while.
Then, James: "All The Colours Of You" (2021), their COVID Lockdown album. I was particularly keen on the very odd and vivid track "Wherever It Takes Us". I also discovered that several tracks were wrongly labelled when I ripped it!
Finally: Mudhoney: "Superfuzz Bigmuff (plus early singles)" (1989 or so), grunge with plenty of anger but more humour and less angst than Nirvana. We saw them both live on earlier tours, and reckoned that Mudhoney were better!