Fuck “detrans awareness day”, it’s a bullshit day that exists so conversion therapists & right-wingers can spread disinfo/propaganda about detransition, harming both trans & detrans people. Most detrans people are trans/pro-trans, anti-trans detrans activists are a minority amplified by the Right.
(Looks it up)
So, it's run by Linda McMahan apparently?? Ya know
The wife of the degenerate Vince who was cool with Vince's scandles, NDAs, hush money and sex trafficing
Yup, a toootally legitimate billionaire who "knows" what they're talking about, holding a public event
💃Ask them their girl names!
Ask thm why thy attack TRANS 2 Deflect that thy r Closeted gaymen hiding n marriages 4 cover!?
❄️💉Picture R leadership at night n dresses, wigs,high heels, makeup, drugging on meth heroin speedballs.
Destroying U.S.
Out Them!