I had absolutely no idea what I was doing when I started this project, and now that I'm almost done I still have no idea what I'm doing. However this has been my main side project (grinding side projects in life rn) and I wanted somewhere semi-random to share - a Volkswagen Beetle. A thread, 1 of ?
The end goal was to repaint it the classic Beetle Yellow (or close to that) and to give it to a fencing friend for Christmas.
Labouring with sandpaper for 30ish minutes had gotten me partly there
4 Oct, 2 of X
5 Oct, 3 of ?
11 October, 4 of X
"Overnight" proceeded to become 4 days, and when I took it out of the jar it had barely changed.
26 October, 5 of ?
It did wonders, and I was able to get a first coat on too
24 Nov, 6 of X
I think the biggest lesson learned is to spray paint next time as to not leave brush marks.
27 Nov, 7 of 8(for now)