I have one of those "my body is broken, but my mind is racing"-flu.
Decided to finally fix the tagging system on my website, and I couldn't be prouder.
I know no one cares and no one will ever see these posts, but to the two nerds who care, here it goes:
Decided to finally fix the tagging system on my website, and I couldn't be prouder.
I know no one cares and no one will ever see these posts, but to the two nerds who care, here it goes:
I knew I could hack it and play around and just try and build cool things.
Nikola's great and it comes with tag handling out of the box for posts!
You can see the tags on the posts. I even wrote an auto-tagger with NLTK that helped me extract more topics relevant to each post, then hand-checked them all.
What a waste!
Each tag has some info associated with it, so why not make the page a bit more appealing using cards?
This also lead me to fix the cards layout, which was attrocious on mobile. So that's now semi-responsive.
I've been using my website to track projects I have finished. Sort of like a portfolio. It's a way for me to remember that I actually do cool things. I don't think anyone but me ever actually goes there.