His privileged background makes Luigi Mangione a strange candidate to be lionised on social media as some kind of justice-warrior. So why in this “perp” the focus of support?
Everyone’s subconsciously thinking of it but not aware.
Free free Luigi!!
Who will be next to take the sword and give it a poke?
The disgraceful disgusting system obviously regards some people as much more important than others.
I don't support him. But I recognize that he killed a man that can be justly blamed for the death of maybe thousands of others through taking their money and not delivering on the obligation that came with taking the money.
Murder is wrong. Both 1 on 1, and mass.
Too bad, the media is falling over backwards to sell the narrative of their corporate owners.
I do not condone his gunning down a CEO in cold blood but I think many Americans share his frustration.