The massive man blinks slowly, stuck somewhere between amusement and incredulousness.
"This is a collar."
He states the obvious, a half grin wrinkling his nose just slight as he sits up, reaching to unclasp the item clearly crafted for beasts.
"Necklaces don't quite work like [ this. ] "
He --
"This is a collar."
He states the obvious, a half grin wrinkling his nose just slight as he sits up, reaching to unclasp the item clearly crafted for beasts.
"Necklaces don't quite work like [ this. ] "
He --
Reposted from
Lyle Bertrand
He looked up at him,blinking as he admires the look of the collar on him before stepping back to look at zenos a tiny smile on his lips.
“Forgive the sudden hands. I thought this sort of necklace upon you was rather fetching.”
“Forgive the sudden hands. I thought this sort of necklace upon you was rather fetching.”
A large finger barely fits as he hooks it under the collar and jerks him forward roughly, sneering at him with amusement.
“Forgive me- it- I thought it was more for someone with a..thicker frame,the strap to be used for loosening it more. It looks far too complicated for a beast collar” -
“ lord. I will not make such a mistake again.”